Trauma Care for Children & Families

About the Program

In 2020, ICF commenced a mentorship and training program to help build capacity for social workers. This program was developed in collaboration with our Iraqi partner Iraq Health Access Organization (IHAO), and is led by ICF’s Mental Health & Trauma Consultant, Farah Al Najar. On an ongoing basis, Farah provides supervision and feedback to the team of IHAO social workers, via videoconference from the US. Farah, a native of Baghdad and certified clinical trauma professional, uses culturally-specific feedback and strategies informed by evidence-based approaches to mental health management.

IHAO social workers are working to support families in areas formerly held by ISIS, and are addressing many types of trauma, including that caused by (and leading to) gender-based violence.

Program Location: Remote - beneficiaries Iraq-wide.

Program Goals

This project is part of our focus on capacity-building, to help Iraqi’s help themselves. By supporting social workers to effectively help others (especially parents), the impact of this work ultimately has a far-reaching impact, especially for children and mothers.

How you can help: 

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